the interweb seems to be exploding with online mags...i recently featured RUE's debut issue on the blog & now i wanted to share a more homespun online mag that i happened upon called Covet Garden... this is their mission (which i LOVE btw) "Covet Garden is for folks who are curious about real spaces. We take a peek into the homes and lives of some of the city’s most interesting people—spaces that have not been styled by interior decorators. Covet Garden is inspirational, not aspirational."...whenever i go over to someone's house for the first time, i always ask for a grand tour...maybe you call it a snoop, but i like to think i'm a connoisseur of fine spaces & purveyor of them on this i don't even have to leave the comfort of my desk chair because Covet Garden has done the snooping on some fabulous spaces for me... wanted to share some of the colorful spreads from their second issue with you but you can read it all for yourself here ...previous issues can be found here
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